Preparatory Course Online – Build Your Game Dev Portfolio

Take your first step towards a career in the games industry
This preparatory courses provide you with the perfect foundation to transition into studying game development at leading international schools and kickstart your career journey in the gaming industry. The program includes three weeks of intensive study, complete with individual mentoring and feedback on your portfolio.
We provide portfolio courses in the following three fields:
- Games Artist
- Games Designer
- Games Programmer
The portfolio course for the respective discipline will provide you with:
- An overview of the industry and career advice
- Instruction in the most useful tools & platforms for games development
- One-on-one and group feedback to help you create a portfolio or work samples needed to apply to Futuregames or other games development schools.
Monday to Friday 17:00 – 20:00 CET (Online)
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Please apply on the school's website down below.
Total price: 9 500 SEK (incl. VAT)
Futuregames erbjuder utbildningar inom spelutveckling, tech och ledarskap. Utbildningarna finns i Boden, Skellefteå, Umeå, Karlstad, Malmö, Stockholm samt online. Futuregames identifierar arbetsmarknadens framtida behov av kompetenser och förmågor. De designar innovativa och effektfulla utbildningar. De kompetensutvecklar dagens och morgondagens ledare,...